2013 Events

Interclub Quiz Evening with teams from other Probus Clubs taking part - and sometimes winning! The quiz was held on 19 February 2013 was very successful and supported by 17 teams from three local Probus Clubs. 

Visit to Poole Greyhound Stadium. This has proved to be very popular and we have had an enjoyable evening on several occasions, however there will not be a visit during 2014.

A visit to the Kennet and Avon Canal in June saw 43 Members and friends enjoy a trip by canal boat, operated by The Kennet and Avon Trust, from Devizes Wharf. During the trip we passed through two wide locks and had a very enjoyable cream tea served on the boat.

Lunch at the Escoffier Restaurant in Bournemouth College was arranged for May when a large party of Members and partners attended.

The annual Ladies Lunch at Canford Magna Golf Club was held on 24 October and was made even more enjoyable by the pictorial presentation of Dorset places by Rev. Stewart Timbrell.