2012 Events

In June 2012 a party of 15 Members and friends had a very enjoyable day on the Swanage Railway Sunday Lunch train while travelling through the Dorset countryside from Swanage to Corfe Castle and Norden. The food and the weather were excellent.

Our trip to Monschau, in the Eiffel region of northern Germany, organised by a club Member, happened at the end of September 2012 and was very successful with over 40 Members and guests on the excellent coach and driver provided by Angela Holidays of Southampton.  A picturesque trip to Cochem on the Mosel was followed by a wine tasting further down the river at Alken that gave us the opportunity to sample many of the local wines,  with the return journey to Monschau via the German autobahn. 

Next day we had time to explore the pretty village of Monschau where again there was a chance for retail therapy in the Mustard Museum and the specialist Christmas shop among the many interesting places there.  

In the afternoon we drove the short distance to the Rursee at Einruhr for a trip on one of the electric boats that serve several remote landing stages on the lakeside.

Our return journey started very early but the rain gave way to bright sunshine so became the best weather we had seen in the whole 5 days. A stop at a Belgian chocolate factory was another highlight! We were lucky that both channel crossings were good and we arrived home on time.

The Club would like to thank Dave Wood for the excellent arrangements and planning for the trip.